Jangan Gesel Sini

Selasa, 13 Mac 2012

Run Devil Run

Run? err..or running? err, sorry. i`m not too good for English grammar. Sorry for any word that will bring any harmful meaning.

Salam. wish you happy and healthy. Meh, i just want to share about my ambitious dream for this semester - get FITTER! muah haha. it looking funny and untrusted even for myself. Sometimes, i have a doubt about to get a healthy routine through out this semester. As the facilities there, so there no reasons or excuses to excape from running or in a simple word - get FITTER.

In my definition, fitter means i should have a good posture, get fit, could run for 5km non-stop, good attribute and sweat a lot. So, how to get it? haha. Up to me totally. Join gym community for free or pay for the price, jog every evening at the stadium or just doing the resistance regime in my room. So, that all up to me. By hook or by crook.

At the early phase of achieving this crazy goal, i decide to jog everyday in the evening even though i not met any partner yet to do the same routine and also just to make us motivated. Haha, i doing a 2km running for the first attempt but feel like pancit and so-on. The next day, i try to calm down and not try to put any pressure on myself to achieved the target. I just go with flow after then.

Strecthing up for 15 minutes, jog ...feeling tired..walk slowly..gain energy..jog again...tired..walk slowly..gain energy..get motivated by others..jog again..tired...walk slowly..take a deep breath..cooling down...then go back to college.

So, that the routine that sometime i do when i have the free time. Eventhough, i had read about the the fact that the Asian people body posture were not design or created to be a runner - i don` t have any option as it was the cheapest sport that i could join (perggh, berterabur english gua!). By doing some research on how to overcome the pain cause by running, the suitable sport shoes, you actually can get rid off the injury. 

After all, now i ready to jog back. Get fitter and lighter. Hehehe. with no boroi-ness. Haha. I wish I could!

p/s: Either you slim or not, you should get fitter and stay healthy. It give you 30% more advantages from dead at such an early age. Allah know the rest. Muahh cha cha.

13 ulasan:

Tanpa Nama berkata...

nak jadi laki maskulin erkss
teruskan niat abg
jangan putus asa

akhir kata saya


hahaha..majukan senam utk badan yg sihat...pesanan ikhlas dr peneman sepi.agagagaga

Unknown berkata...

Peneman Sepi la sangat...

Hehe. makulin la sangat..aku dah rase macam nak boroi dah nie..Haha.xleh jadik, nanti kena interview lagik..payam pulak kalo badan xsteady meady. Hehe. Ko ape cer? blog dah tutup ke?

Tanpa Nama berkata...

mmg saya peneman bg sesiapa yg sepi la...ahakss...hak tuii..kaka

x der blog la...lalalalala...
suker baca blog owang jer..
leh jana otak ni..ngan mende2 or isu2 yg berat...hehe

betul2...kene alwiz steady meady..
bukan bermatlamat interbiew jer..utk kesihatan dri abg gak..ermm...rajin jaga badan ekss...hebattt...

rajin sgt2...
x cam saya...memerap dalam umah jer..
(mata ke langit,tangan ke bahu)..ha

Unknown berkata...

memerap ke memerut jer keje? hehehe

Tanpa Nama berkata...

mencapap jer duk kat umah


Unknown berkata...

xleh blah..duk umah pun nak mencapab gak.

Tanpa Nama berkata...



mencapap jer la...pastu nak we gie
nak lompat bintang selalu


Unknown berkata...

lompat bintang? opss..lepas ke? haha

Tanpa Nama berkata...

lompat katak suda...
saya suh abg lompat bintang...
bukan saya...
abg gak nak jaga badan..

kat umah...
x penah lompat bintang pun..
x molek

gegor sume...haha


Unknown berkata...

haha. bukan gegor jer...runtuh umah nanti.


Tanpa Nama berkata...

gegor satu umah
gegor satu badan..udahhhhh


Unknown berkata...

opps..gegar satu badan?

Tanpa Nama berkata...
