Mau tag Nabeel, Muja dan Mekti .ehh, kalo She nak join pon ok juge.
Jangan Gesel Sini
Jumaat, 28 Oktober 2011
25 Things Random Giveaway by
Jom join contest Random Giveaway di sini.
Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011
Pengumuman terbaru tentang kerja kerajaan
Ini berita terbaru tentang peluang untuk kerja dengan kerajaan. Mungkin selama ni SPA memahami perasaan para calon yang memohon kerja sepanjang tahun lalu, dan lebih-lebih lagi yang dapat layak ke sesi temuduga sebelum hari raya dulu. Jadi inilah jawapan yang atau notis mudah dari kerajaan. Yup, keputusan yang tak popular, tak digemari, tak ingin didengar oleh calon-calon lebih-lebih lagi yang dah lama menganggur. Weh, sian weh...lama sungguh dah nak kerja dengan kerajaan nie. Surat Ptptn pun dah banyak di rumah, siap leh wat novel lagi. Ptptn dah seru dah, mahkamah dah berdegar-degar, kerajaan dah sempitkan peluang kerja. Ape nak tunggu lagi?
Doa lah, walaupun Sistem Saraan Baharu Perkhidmatan Awam (SPBA) dilaksanakan, peluang orang-orang muda nie (baca : takda kerja, penganggur) masih ada dan tak terhalang. Yelah, kalo orang tua pun nak kerja lagi, orang muda apetah lagi. ye tak?
sumber sini
Ahad, 23 Oktober 2011
How I ruined my interview - part 3
Session : Problem Solving
Place : Room 5
Time : 3.00pm - 5.00pm
After we finished the Pengucapan Awam Session, we had to wait for 15 minutes before we go to the next session. Actually, we have to wait for the earlier group to finish their part.
So, as we enter the room, there already 2 panels sit in fronts with a moderator who will facilitate the session. Those guys who is the facilitator already give us a direction how to do this session. There no right or wrong answers. The things that we need is how creative our thinkings and there must be a strong reasons behind our perception. Perghh..that time i feel a little bit challenging as the way we thinking on how to solve the matter will be the crucial time and i think we should think differently in a logic ways (or as rasional as i can).
For the first session, we need to design an aeroplane that can fly as far as it can go. (Haha, this task i think familiar with everyone. As the result based on group decision, we discuss the design even we know the result already.Haha, this how we try to impress the panels by doing a group discussion before we going to decide the design that represent our group.
Finally, everybody in our group make a shape of sphere (almost) just like the u.f.o (unidentified flying object) as that the ways the 'aeroplane' can go farther. Me is exceptional. Even i`m agree with group decision earlier, i try not solely follow the instruction. Perhaps, there a trick that lies within the instruction that will trap us back at the end. So, i decide to do a design that look alike a plane. So, at the end our group has diverse design of plane. Haha. after we were given 10minutes to discuss and design. The facilitator told us to fly our own plane. haha. Nah, my plane were the worst one as it only 'fly' just about 1.5 metre compared to others. Ok, the sphere airplane were the farthest plane during that task. Its ok as the result were based on group and not individuals.
Then, we were given the task about the moves of stick. If you remember the matches`s stick movement trick, you will survive this task easily. Thank to God, as many of us contribute the ideas to get the result. At this moment, it very important for you to take part, SHOW your contribution during the discussion. In my group, there such like an agreement as everyone tolerated by giving everyone to speak out and telling the ideas. So, everbody will get the points by the panels. Either high or low the marks given depends on how creative and structured the ideas that you give. Haha. Ok, that my own perceptions on how the panels judged us. For this stick-move task, you will be given a few trick that you have to solve. So, be prepared.
Lastly,the task that require us to make a tower that hold the Malaysian flag- Jalur Gemilang. we were given a few stick, a rope and the flag. There one condition that we have to follow:- we cannot touch the stick to make it stand with flag on it. Okeh, for this task we failed to think differently as we take this task in conventional ways. For the time given, we devide into 2 group that make the tower`bases or platform and another group try to tied the flag to the stick. Okeh, 20 minutes to make the bases and tower, 5 minutes to try it, and another 5 minutes to present it to the judges and facilitator. Walaaaaa! we make it! the tower stand for 5 minutes, the judges satisfies, the fasilitator smiled, we also smile in full satisfaction, from ear to ear. Hihihi..
Okeh, we fullfill the requirement but the facilitator tell us the other method that we can use. Nahh, we just stared deeply into him, questioned him back, tell him that the method he just proposed actually break the condition that he actually stated earlier. Haha. you trapped! He just smile and pretend that there no wrong answer in stead of different ideas. Nah, the session going smoothly and here, we already know. we had a chemistry in our group. Hehe. now we know we strong in group, comforting each others, supporting everyone and we dare for challenges!
Next: orang putih-to-be session. Public Speaking Session!! walaweh...
Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011
Aksi Nicol David di Qatar Classic 2011
Keputusan terbaru final Qatar Classic 2011
Ini adalah final kelima Datuk Nicol Qatar Classic. Qatar Classic 2011 kirenya macam 4 grand slam dalam tenis la. Ade prestige, hadiah pun masyuk, ramai star turun. So, Datuk Nicol turun kali ni pun untuk gelaran kelima beliau.
Selepas susah payah bermain melawan Rachael Grinham di peringkat separuh akhir dengan kemenangan 3-1 (11-6, 4-11, 11-6 dan 11-8) dalam mase 52 minit. Datuk Nicole mara ke Final Qatar Classic 2011 untuk berjumpe pilihan ke-3 ---. Madeline Perry dari Ireland.
Well, Madeline Perry ni pun leh tahan juga hebat...beliau masih lagi mampu ketepikan bintang-bintang squasy dari England. Laura Massaro, Jenny Duncalf dan Alison Water. Beb, trio England ni memang jahaman sket, suma pakat-pakat mau kalahkan Nicol (owh, ko patut tengok sepanjang Malaysia Open dan Singapore Open 2011).
So, final ---> Madeline Perry, pilihan ke-3 kejohanan. minah salih tu munggg!
Macam biasa, Nicol tegar untuk menang. Menang straight set 3-0!!! (11-2, 11-7, 11-3). Happy giler wa rase. Macam pengganti Piala yang sepatutnya beliau menang di US Open. So, big hooray for Nicol David!!!
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A winning smile from Nicol |
Aku fikir Datuk Nicol sudah sedar silap beliau masa di Amerika Syarikat aritu, sewaktu US Open. Yup, tak dijangka. So, kali ni mungkin Datuk Nicol sudah prepared abis-abis sebab Madeline Perry ni pun pernah kalahkan beliau sekali kalo tak silap aku. That time, aku pun pelik sape la Madelline Perry ni sampai boleh kalahkan beliau. Kalo Jenny Duncalf, Rachael Grinham, Alison Water ke aku tak pelik sangat. So, bila search balik. minah nie memang superb, so tak pasti lah beliau sempat dapat title no.1 dunia sebelum tua sebab Jenny Duncalf pun dah lama dok ngidam bertahun-tahun nak title tu dari Nicol.
Sebab, selain England yang berlambak dengan player-player muda macam Alison Water, Emma Beddoes,Laura Massaro tu, Jenny Duncalf. Egypt pun dah punya wakil yang banyak dalam top 50 atau Top 20 sekali pun dalam skuasy wanita. Raneem El-Walleily, Nour el- Tayeb,Nour El- Sherbini dan Farah Abdel Meguid. Malaysia? Adelah si Low Wee Wern, Low Wee Wern dan Siti Munirah Jusoh. Baru-baru ni Wee Wern jatuh ranking. Prestasi tak seberapa tapi harap-harap beliau sempat belajar sesuatu dari Datuk Nicol sebelum Datuk Nicol bersara. Kesian Malaysia takde orang nak bg pingat emas lagi. Tapi bagus nya, Wee Wern sedar diri, dah Qatar Classic ni beliau sampai ke suku akhir. Tunjukkn jalan keluar pada Laura Massaro yang pernah tewaskan Datuk Nicol di Singapore Open kalo tak silap. Nah, amekaw!!
Photo credit here
Bengkel bersama Dr. Irfan Khairi
Hari tu, naseb-nbseb jer beb. Itu pun naseb-naseb wa terpandang satu iklan di PTSL.
Bengkel bersama jutawan Internet! Dr. Irfan Khairi. Jam 11.00pagi di, perpustakaan. Perghh, naseb tak terlpeas lagi. Kebetulan, esoknya wa tak der kelas. So memang cun lah.
Irfan Khairi ni wa tau pasal dia since 2005. Mase Undergrad dulu. time sibuk-sibuk budak U nak cari duit lebey, nak tampung ptptn yang tak berapa nak cukup. Tapi niat wa mase tu berhenti kejap. Nak beli buku dia pun agak susah time tu, kena beli by pos, atau online. wa tak pandai sangat menatang online ni. So, wa biarkan dulu. Wa ingat lagi, mase awal-awal wa join rakan muda, wa pernah suggest pada Dr Razali (penasihat rakan muda time tuh) supaya buat bengkel usahawan kat UMT (haha..hampeh tak idea?), at least ramai dapat benefit dia (padahal aku yang nak..kekeke).
Tapi akhirnya idea tu tak dapat buat sebab banyak lagi program KBS kena buat. Hurmm. So, aku just mtk newletter jela dari Pastu bace buku-buku dia yang ade kt library. Nak beli cam mahal lak.
So, bila Irfan Khairi datang UKM ni rase rugi lak kalo tak join. Free tu..HUhu. wa bajet mesti ada staff library ni yang jual tudung online. Bukan ape, depa nie kalo tengok sorang jual tudung online berjaya, mesti ramai pakat-pakat nak jual. Haishh..pastu maen tagged org sesuka hati lak kt fesbuk. Ingat laki pakai tudung ke? pastu pandai lak cover..ko beli la utk awek ko. Beb, niat lu baek soh org pakai tudung, tapi kalo tak pandai nak market kan produk ko. tak paham hati pelanggan. Baek ko makan jer tudung tu. Kah3..Untung je tau.Ok, stop merepek.
Irfan Khairi bagi talk 2 jam jer beb. tak cukup. Aku lak datang 30minit lewat. Masuk tergesa-gesa kat tingkat bawah, still ade ruang lagi. Tak ramai pun. Boleh kate separuh bilik seminar je yang penuh. kt bahagian depan tak penuh lak tue. Sah! ni mesti tak tau nie Irfan Khairi mai UKM, tak pun depa tak minat online bussiness. Style Irfan Khairi relak je. Sempoi. haha. Mungkin sebab dah banyak talk dah dia bagi kot. A few tips yang dia bagi ialah pasal search market kt internet, formula 9:1, dan cara nak tukar dari bakal pelanggan kepada pelanggan (tapi serius..beliau lupa bab ni...haha. Beliau kata nak bincang lepas tu pastu terus lupa and tak cukup mase, So kalo dr bace entri ni, Dr.Irfan tau eh, Dr. dah hutang satu benda dengan UKM).
Lepas abis talk tue. ada sesi soal jawab. Kebanyakan nye dari wanita. Yup, jual tudung lah, ape lagi. Hehe. OK, takde sesi jual buku. just amik gambar dan tanda tangan jer. Aku pun sempat amik sekeping dua. Leh la sekadar kenangan. Best la seminar nie...kalo ade free wa nk join lagi.
Jumaat, 21 Oktober 2011
Tempat terbaik untuk berfikir - edisi murah dan sempoi
Beb. dunia ni memang tak adil. tapi sekurang-kurangnya, walapon syurga tu tempat terbaik, terindah, teristimewa sampai susah nk decribe. Tuhan masih cipta Bumi ini indah untuk sapa-sapa yang berfikir. Beb, tak ramai tau fikir dan tak ramai juga yang boleh fikir. Sementelah orang kaya sanggup melabur duit beribu-ribu dolar untuk mencari tenang dan damai. Kita yang miskin ni mau atau tak, tengok saja lah foto-foto liburan orang di dinding fesbuk. Pergi Korea lah, pergi Bandung lah, pergu Universal Studios lah. Kita nie, Menara Taming Sari sekangkang kera pun tak mpai lagi. Dalam Negeri sendiri lak tu. So, mau tak mau. rumah jugak lak tempat kita mau tenangkan diri, cari idea, selesaikan masalah. Beb, kalo tahu tips nie..jangan lupe share dengan orang lain okeh. kite tak mampu labur duit untuk, tenangkan diri kt syurga dunia, tapi dengan tips ini, sekurang-kurangnya kita mampu cipta syurga kite sendiri. Bace jelah..
Kalo duk terengganu tu cukuplah der..pantai sepanjang-sepanjang negeri. Kesian orang Kl, Pantai dalam jer ade dik. Depa dok siap abis ratus ringgit lagi nak cari pantai, sampai desperate buat ombak sendiri, pantai sendiri. Kau duduk tepi pantai pun tak mau bersyukur. Itu kos murah je dik, duk tepi pantai, tengok laut, tengok alam. Kos nak keluar? satu sen pun takde. Muzikal alam lagi dik, free jer. Duduk la, amik masa. fikir dalam-dalam. Pantai mana nak pergi? kang aku suh pegi Mauritius, lu nangis nak kumpul duit t.
2. Train/Keretapi/Komuter etc.
Dik. Pernah naik komuter? LRT? Monorel? Kereta api?. Ini memang sempoi dik. wa pernah pikir dulu mau vacation cara ini. Backpacker ala-ala Destinasi Bajet. Kos dia de la skit. Eh, dik..wa tak suruh lu naik keretapi dari Bukit Kayu Hitam sampai Woodland semata-mata nak relaks, dak pikir pasal masalah matematik moden ko tu. Amik yg dekat-dekat sudah lah. Ko beratur, beli tiket, baik tren. Ko masuk. Ko tengok la perangai manusia sorang-sorang dik. Tak yah tunggu Cerekarama, dalam tren pun ko dah nampak drama manusia dik. Macam-macam. Kalo ko tak fikir, tak amik iktibar. Lu rugi beb. Serius rugi!
3. Taman
Beb, bila cakap ayat " Dalam hati ada taman" sure lu paham kan? Beb. sah-sah la maksudnya taman tu tempat yg relaks (sepatutnya), sempoi. So, tempat sesuai la lu nak jiwang-jiwang, nak refleksi diri ko, dak amik mase kenal diri ko. Dik, kalo duk taman perumahan, wa rase ade jer taman rekreasi ni. Kalo lu kaya skit, pergi la taman rekreasi yang ok skit. tapi dalam ni, lu just spend tak sampai satu hari pun, mase pun sekejap, kos pun hampir takde. So, takyah la bazir sgt. yang penting lu tau ape lu nak.
4. Atap Rumah
Hehe. Memori zaman kecik-kecik. Tapi aku rase rumah di Malaysia nie tak sesuai sanngat la. Pasal atapnye muncung, senget, kalo baring sure tergolek-golek sampai bawah. jatuh macam nangkak busuk. Aku suke tempat macam ni. walopon tak jauh even kt umah sendiri jer tapi bila lu dah naik, lain view dia. Best la sebab ko nampak bahagian-bahagian umah ko yang ko dari sudut lain.. Pastu kt atap ni adalah tempat yang tak glamer dikalangan org tua. So, kalo lu malas nk dengar diorang bebel, lu lepak jer kt sini, sambil2 bace komik, makan Dendang, tak pun main keta Dash Yankuro. Haha.Heaven.
5. Bilik Air.
Yup.aku suka bilik air. Tau nape. kat bilik air takde lagu, takde radio. Ko hanya dengar air mencurah dari lubang shower. Aku tak pasti nape, tapi time mandi lah, sambil biarkan air shower mencurah-curah macam air Gunung Stong, wa rase otak gua terus feeling wave alpha. Aktif, produktif dan segala tif-tif yang wat otak wa ligat gila pikir semacam. serius, selain time semayang, time mandi ialah time terbaik untuk generate idea. Kah3.So, kalo wa mandi lame tu..wa tengah banyak pikirlah.Ekeke.jangan otak kuning. wa paham sangat da otak lu. Cess..
6. Kedai Kopi.
Beb. Mesti ko nak cakap StarBuck dari Amerika kan? Dush! kan ade banyak kedai kopi. Cube lu layan kedai kopi kt kampung-kampung. Kadang-kadang best juga. Ko tengok kedai ramai orang, mesti da yang best kat situ. Mungkin pasal member sekampung kot, member sekepala dengan kite, itu sebab orang laki suka lepak jer dekat kedai kopi. Mase wa kecik-kecik dulu, wa follow ayah wa g kedai kopi. tapi wa mintak teh tarik je. Ramai gila hazab time tuh. Sanggup depa duk ramai-ramai, layan mee goreng basah yang panas-panas, kopi pastu tengook gusti time Hulk Hogan. haha.semangat sungguh time tu walopun just layan jer video gusti versi tape VHS. Pastu, bila hujan lebat, kilat memancau-mancau, guruh pun dah macam ape dah.terus tokey tutup. takut kena petir. Sume buat bunyi "alaaaa..." serentak. haha.wa gelak je.
Beb. Mesti ko nak cakap StarBuck dari Amerika kan? Dush! kan ade banyak kedai kopi. Cube lu layan kedai kopi kt kampung-kampung. Kadang-kadang best juga. Ko tengok kedai ramai orang, mesti da yang best kat situ. Mungkin pasal member sekampung kot, member sekepala dengan kite, itu sebab orang laki suka lepak jer dekat kedai kopi. Mase wa kecik-kecik dulu, wa follow ayah wa g kedai kopi. tapi wa mintak teh tarik je. Ramai gila hazab time tuh. Sanggup depa duk ramai-ramai, layan mee goreng basah yang panas-panas, kopi pastu tengook gusti time Hulk Hogan. haha.semangat sungguh time tu walopun just layan jer video gusti versi tape VHS. Pastu, bila hujan lebat, kilat memancau-mancau, guruh pun dah macam ape dah.terus tokey tutup. takut kena petir. Sume buat bunyi "alaaaa..." serentak. haha.wa gelak je.
7. Airport
Haha.Untuk ini wa terpaksa refer pada Lapangan Terbang Pengkalan Chepa, Kelantan. Meriah dowh tiap-tiap petang. mase wa mule-mule sampai, wa pun pelik dan tertanye-tanye ade festival ape lak kat areas ini. Sekali member wa bitau, orang kelantan (bace orang Pengkalan Chepa atau kawasan sekitar) yang suke duk lepak situ. Start dari petang, smpi malam. Ade jer orang lepak. Tengok tu beb, xsemestinya lu nak tengok kapal terbang lu kena jadi kaya sampai kena book tiket pergi fly. Lu duk tepi pagar je. Best gak aper!! Hehehe.
Khamis, 20 Oktober 2011
bila saya tiba-tiba nyanyi lagu ini
Well, when you go
So, never think I'll make you try to stay
And maybe when you get back
I'll be off to find another way
And after all this time that you still owe
You're still a good-for-nothing I don't know
So take your gloves and get out
Better get out while you can
When you go would you even turn to say
"I don't love you like I did yesterday"?
Sometimes I cry so hard from pleading
So sick and tired of all the needless beating
But baby when they knock you down and out
It's where you oughta stay
Well after all the blood that you still owe
Another dollar's just another blow
So fix your eyes and get up
So fix your eyes and get up
Better get up while you can, whoa whoa
When you go would you even turn to say
"I don't love you like I did yesterday"?
Well come on, come on!
When you go would you have the guts to say
"I don't love you like I loved you yesterday"?
I don't love you like I loved you yesterday
I don't love you like I loved you yesterday
Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011
salah time zone
Cait..hari ni hari kedua. cam hampeh. Wah, gara-gara esemen ekonomi, wa xcukup tido. wa stay up (ah..poyo gilerr)..wa stay up lame bukan sebab dapat siapkan. Nak pikir pun dah amik mase. Ahh, bengong la kepala otak. Esok mau antar, wa masih terkial-kial cari istilah rent captured. Camne nie? subjek nie best, lecturer pun best tapi wa still tak paham. Lepas tu wa teringat mase amek paper mikrob dulu. Lecturer best, penerangan menarik, tapi ko macam nak pitam nak paham sebijik-sebijik prof tu ajar. So, amacam?
Ok. wa nk sambung@try wat balik...harap-harap wa tak terlelapp...adehh..
Ahad, 16 Oktober 2011
How I ruined my interview session- part 2
Seriously, sometime i just look nervous inside, as i’m out of info that time. No internet, no broadband, no Smartphone. Haha.seriously, i think i should have one iPhone at that time, so i still have the time to google the info that i want...Alhamdulillah, thanks to my friends who help me during the preparation for the pengucapan umum task. Seriously, i`. Not confident enough to speak in front of others. I just remember a few points and then i just take it easy as i just a simple interview that i already took.
For the 2nd task, pengucapan awam session, i was given a topic about Rakan Muda. Gosh, that topic sound familiar to me but sadly i just remember the eleven lifestyle in Rakan Muda. So, i have the SOS sign. Texting to my fren to help me out this time. Huhu. For the first 30seconds, the introduction was so smooth and clear. It just like my other speech that written in my for the next 4 minutes, i had to recall back the info that i get from my friend and at that moment my speech will pause at certain time with urmmm...aahhh..ermm...but still the evaluator or the judges keep focusing on my speech. So, no time to make mistakes, big mistakes actually.
My turn during that session was in the middle, so i have time to see the participants before me, their performances and i try not being too nervous..haha, but body just react like i lost my breath. Siot! Totally, for the pengucapan umum session, every candidate show a good speech in term of information, clarity, the messages given, self-confidence, body language and eye contact with the judges and the audiences. There were clearly showing a maturity for each person in impersonating the other people and at the same time give the messages clearly.
Next, i will tell about the other session- The Problem Solving Session. Wachaaaaa!!!
Khamis, 6 Oktober 2011
kumpul ubat
weh..minggu nie banyak benor la sakitnya. Sah..banya dosa la tuh.
beb. minggu sudah dua kali berkunjung ke klinik. Mintak ubat percuma subsidi kerajaan. Malas mau pergi farmasi, tapi beli juga sedikit.
Ingat semester ini mau jaga badan, jaga makan. Itu pun kalo ingat. Mungkin sekali sekali harus langgar pantang. Bila jumpe bubur pisang dan pecel juge tau.
Ahad, 2 Oktober 2011
how I ruined my interview - part 1
*Note: I`m not too good to write in english. As i try not to focus on my weakness, i have to try to overcome this. Its ok to read this, and feel free to leave as quick as you like if you think my writing were so bad etc. This story based on my true experience, i do hope you enjoy. Any comments about my english are appreciated. Thanks.
Hi,`s me. Your forever and ever friend. Last week, on 29th October 2011, I had an interview session in Malacca. This is in conjunction for the application that I applied before in SPA or Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Awam.
This interview is for the Youth and Sport Officer posts that have many vacant posts recently. After I passed the examination for joining the public service, i need to pass the PAC or Program Assessment Centre in Kuala Pilah 2 months before. The examination was quite tough as it test our general knowledge; basic mathematic and our opinion as the essay question were asked in the exam. Haha, there were also a question that required us to write in English. you know how my writing, right?
For the PAC session, there were 5 sessions that had to accomplish before we can go futher for interview sessions. Its look like PAC programme for PTD (Pegawai tadbir dan diplomatik) apparently. Firstly, we had to do the physical activity that required us to sweat a bit. I have gone through all the sources that give brief ideas what the physical activities or simply known as UKJK looks like, and most of them tell that we need to run for 2.5km in allocated time, bangkit tubi, tekan tubi, and genggaman tangan. So, i did some practices before i came for the interview. I hope by doing so, i`m not the one who finish last, at least.
After that, all the candidates that mostly came from Southern area such as Malacca, Johore, Negeri Sembilan and other (KL bla..bla..bla). Yeay, i recognised some faces that looks familiar to me.Haha. Yeay, there a few my schoolmate including my junior and senior, my matriculation mate and also my friends who took the PTD programme before. ( English was so terrible!).
So, it makes me comfortable for sometimes. So, all the candidates were required to gather in a big hall as we need to measure our weight and height. Yeah, lately i afforded to get my BMI (Body Mass Index) to the best one, and not being less weight I think. I think what i did before such as training, a healthy diet and mental preparation has given me the positive outcome. The session was conducted by a few staff from National Fitness Council and they look fit and muscular enough to be in those positions.
After all the data measured, we do some warming up activities as we need to push our body to the limits after this. There no orders to do that as everybody take initiatives to warming up their body. Then, the game begins.
We need to run for the 25m from point to point for the time given. It’s about seven to eight seconds before we reach to the other points. We need to reach the other point before the ‘beep’ sound and a warning will be given if you failed to reach before the first ‘beep. But the warning will be cancelled if you manage to reach the points for the next turn. But your session will be ended as you get the second warnings. Pergh, that session were so hot and everyone were watching you run and there will be cheered at you if you the only one lasted in your session, as your looking tired. Haha. Very healthy competition i think. As my turn were the last one, i think i could learn a few ways of doing that particular ‘exercises’, how to control your breath, how to run at the early stages, how to avoid being tired too early, and how to manage your steps before the beep sound.
Every session comprises 10 candidates, so there were 7 sessions during the fitness test. As I remember, there were two candidates from each session will further until Stage 6 (there are 10 stages) including me. Hehe. So, the chances for being selected are higher but i need to wait as the other assessments were also held around Malaysia.
Finally, the session has ended at 11.30 am. Everybody was exhausted. We were divided into a group of 15 peoples. I meet a few friends in my group which are my seniors in university. Most of them have careers and i the only one who still studied. Ngeh..ngeh..ngeh. So, the next assestment session will be held at 2.00pm.So, we had our lunch, enjoy together, knowing each others, talking about the fitness test, laughing together. So, that how the Group 5 comes out. Burppps!! Sorry bro..hehe.
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