Enjoy the pictures. Hehe. Aksi seorang super memang susah nak nafi kan. Breatheless!
Jangan Gesel Sini
Rabu, 23 November 2011
Selasa, 22 November 2011
Status facebook rakyat Malaysia selepas Final Bola Sepak Sukan SEA
Ole..Ole..Ole..Ole...Kita Juara, Kita lah Juaraaa!!
Tahniah skuad Malaysia. Pasukan Harimau Muda yang sunguh-sungguh mau BENAM kan keegooan pasukan timnas Indonesia. Yeayp, ini memang perlawanan yang ditunggu, walaupun serumpun, musuh tradisi yang ada aura perlawanan tersendiri. Ibarat saling mencabar ego dan maruah.
Nah, malam nie. AMEKAW!! Malaysia menang lagi! Pertahankan emas dua tahun lalu, di depan tuan rumah sendiri, juara keseluruhan yang pandai manipulasi, menjerit melolong penuh provokasi, tapi Malaysia tetap dalam kelas tersendiri.Hehe, sila jangan terasa hati.
Beb, malam ini 28 juta rakyat Malaysia tersayup dada dengan kebanggaan.!! PROUD TO BE MALAYSIAN!
Ini malam, semua status facebook bercerita pasal bola. dari Sebelum sepak mula hingga ke wisel penamat. saat naik Barracuda hingga pulang dengan Air Asia. Semua rakyat Malaysia bercerita (rakyat Indonesia pun bercerita gak..Hehehe, tapi the other stories la..). Kau tak bangga? Aku bangga! Meh kita tengok ragam manusia. Dari facebook pun dah tau jiwa mereka macam mana. Jomm..

Isnin, 21 November 2011
Ini memang super Nicol
Relaks dulu. wa tau lu tengah gemuruh tambah excited team Harimau Muda jumpe Garuda untuk Final Bola Sepak Sukan SEA esok kan? Nih, wa saja-saja nak tambah lu rasa bangga dengan atlit Malaysia ni. Yup, that our living legend in squash la - Datuk Nicol David.
Datuk Nicol David winning the Hong Kong Open 2011 |
Congratulation untuk Datuk Nicol David la, untuk Piala Terbuka Hong Kong 2011. Piala yang yang dah macam tertulis nama beliau diatas plak. Bukan kali pertama, bukan kali kedua, bukan juga kali keenam. TAPI KETUJUH dah beb! haha. memang heaven! So, tahniah sekali lagi.
So, enjoy sikit gambar-gambar aksi pertarungan semasa final.
So, enjoy sikit gambar-gambar aksi pertarungan semasa final.
Final kali nie, beliau mengalahkan Raneem el Waleily dari Egypt 11-5, 11-4 dan 11-9 dalam masa 30 minit. Straight set tapi Raneem macam biasa tetap berikan cabaran dalam setiap game! Cuma mungkin beliau dapat kehabisan idea untuk dapatkan mata kerana setiap kali bermain shot, Nicol tetap berjaya mengejar dan memberikan mata demi mata kepada Nicol.
p/s: Sedikit sedih kerana media kurang memberikan banyak berita tentang skuasy, selalunya bila dah masuk final, atau menang, baru lah ade berita. Contohnya, Terbuka Dunia awal November lalu, tak banyak berita pasal kejohanan itu. Pelik sungguh, Nicol tu dah tahap legend, walaupun dah masuk Hall of Fame Skuasy dunia pun, tak banyak berita pasal beliau.Huu, penat wa belek-belek surat khabar melayu cari berita pasal Nicol, takde juga. Hampeh. Naseb ada fesbuk dan internet.
photo credit to squashstars.comwww.squashstars.com
photo credit to squashstars.comwww.squashstars.com
Ahad, 20 November 2011
Info Kelayakan Olimpik : Malaysia Vs Syria
Ini info tentang Pusingan Kelayakan Olimpik : Malaysia VS Syrian
Tempat : Stadium Nasional Bukit Jalil
Tarikh : 23 November 2011
Masa : 8.45 malam
Harga Tiket : RM 40 (grandstand), RM20 (dewasa) , RM5 (kanak-kanak).
p/s : Perlawanan antara Malaysia dan Bahrain pada 27hd akan di maklumkan nanti.
Sabtu, 19 November 2011
Tolong untuk menolong
Ini pasal kisah tolong atau makna lainnya: bantu. Ingat senang-senang ke nak tolong orang, kalau takde niat lain, tolong dengan ikhlas tu bukan semua boleh buat. Eh, ingat main-main ker? Susah tau tak mau tolong iklhlas. Itu sebab orang yang suka menolong ni ramai yang suke, hehe. tapi tolong orang tipu orang tak termasuk lah. Pandai!!
Ingat lagi dari dulu sampai sekarang. Paham-paham jelah awak ni jenis takde kerja, jenis akaun bank yang selalu je nampak angka menurun, jarang-jarang menaik kecuali awal-awal semester, jenis takda harta dunia macam kereta, rumah, banglo sebijik, kondo selain moto sebijik (tu pun atas ihsan lagi simpati dan sayang mak bapak)..harta akhirat apetah lagi. sezarah pun takder! So, kira nak tolong-tolong orang bagi senang tu, susah lah amat. Kecuali time tu aku insaf giler lagi zuhud. Tak tau ape tu zuhud, sila google.
So, bila pikir takde ape-ape, niat nak tolong menyenangkan tu rase jadi terkilan, terkilan tu kadang-kadang masuk sekali rase sedih, sikit-sikit rase kecewa, kemudian, rasa sedih tu kalo silap handle, buleh convert sampai kamu jadi down dan depresss, terus rase depress yang lama. TAPI!! kalau pandai handle kecewa dan sedih tu dengan baik, boleh tukar kepada motivasi, motivasi pula perlahan-lahan buat lu terus nak usaha untuk berjaya (walaupun ambil masa) untuk tolong orang yang kamu kesian atau nak tolong tadi atau mungkin juga orang yang senasib.
So, kesimpulannya..kadang-kadang rasa terkilan tu ada bila tak leh nak buat apa-apa. Kesian memng kesian, jadi untuk ringan beban orang lain. aku decide tolong diri sendiri aku dulu supaya tak beban kan orang laen. Aiseh. memang susah sebab aku nampak dependent. So..masih terus usaha la ni.
Jumaat, 11 November 2011
Gathered here with my family
My neighbours and my friends
Standing firm together against oppression, holding hands
It doesn't matter where you're from
Or if you're young, old, woman or man
We're here for the same reason; we want to take back our land
Oh God, thank you
For giving us the strength to... hold on
And now we’re here together
My neighbours and my friends
Standing firm together against oppression, holding hands
It doesn't matter where you're from
Or if you're young, old, woman or man
We're here for the same reason; we want to take back our land
Oh God, thank you
For giving us the strength to... hold on
And now we’re here together
Calling you for freedom, freedom
We know you can hear our call, ooh no
We’re calling for freedom, fighting for freedom
We know you won’t let us fall, oh no
We know you’re here with us
We know you can hear our call, ooh no
We’re calling for freedom, fighting for freedom
We know you won’t let us fall, oh no
We know you’re here with us
No more being prisoners in our homes
No more being afraid to talk
Our dream is just to be free, just to be free
Now when we’ve taken our first step
Towards a life of complete freedom
We can see our dream getting closer and closer,.. we’re almost there
No more being afraid to talk
Our dream is just to be free, just to be free
Now when we’ve taken our first step
Towards a life of complete freedom
We can see our dream getting closer and closer,.. we’re almost there
Oh God, thank you
For giving us the strength to hold on
And now we’re here together
For giving us the strength to hold on
And now we’re here together
Calling you for freedom, freedom
We know you can hear our call, ooh no
We’re calling for freedom, fighting for freedom
We know you won’t let us fall, oh no
We know you’re here with us
We know you can hear our call, ooh no
We’re calling for freedom, fighting for freedom
We know you won’t let us fall, oh no
We know you’re here with us
I can feel the pride in the air
And it makes me strong to see everyone
Standing together holding hands in unity
Shouting out loudly demanding their right for freedom
And it makes me strong to see everyone
Standing together holding hands in unity
Shouting out loudly demanding their right for freedom
This is it and we’re not backing out
Oh God we know you hear our call
And we’re calling you for freedom, freedom
We know you can hear our call ooh no
We’re calling for freedom, calling for freedom
We know you won’t let us fall oh no
We know you can hear our call ooh no
We’re calling for freedom, calling for freedom
We know you won’t let us fall oh no
We know you’re here with us
p/s: apakah erti lagu ini untuk kite?
Bagaimana mahu menyerah
![]() |
Mencari Pedoman... |
Dulu bara itu tak pernah padam,
Kalau disimbah nescaya tetap bernyala
Jangan dihembus, kelak terbakar jiwa
Hanya menunggu saat dan ketika
Saat niat dipasak, langkah masih terleka
Mujur doa mengetuk jiwa yang alpa
Nah, masih hanyut dengan jiwa muda
Lupa amanah diri dan keluarga
Mujur duri tak sebesar mana
Sekecil hama, melintang usaha
Tetap sukar cari cahaya
Dek gelap hati dengan dunia
Makin gelap, makin suram,
Jalan yang terang, semakin padam
Semakin sesat jiwa terpendam
Menunggu detik takdir yang suram
Jumaat, 28 Oktober 2011
25 Things Random Giveaway by Penmerah.com
Jom join contest Random Giveaway di sini.
Mau tag Nabeel, Muja dan Mekti .ehh, kalo She nak join pon ok juge.
Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011
Pengumuman terbaru tentang kerja kerajaan
Ini berita terbaru tentang peluang untuk kerja dengan kerajaan. Mungkin selama ni SPA memahami perasaan para calon yang memohon kerja sepanjang tahun lalu, dan lebih-lebih lagi yang dapat layak ke sesi temuduga sebelum hari raya dulu. Jadi inilah jawapan yang atau notis mudah dari kerajaan. Yup, keputusan yang tak popular, tak digemari, tak ingin didengar oleh calon-calon lebih-lebih lagi yang dah lama menganggur. Weh, sian weh...lama sungguh dah nak kerja dengan kerajaan nie. Surat Ptptn pun dah banyak di rumah, siap leh wat novel lagi. Ptptn dah seru dah, mahkamah dah berdegar-degar, kerajaan dah sempitkan peluang kerja. Ape nak tunggu lagi?
Doa lah, walaupun Sistem Saraan Baharu Perkhidmatan Awam (SPBA) dilaksanakan, peluang orang-orang muda nie (baca : takda kerja, penganggur) masih ada dan tak terhalang. Yelah, kalo orang tua pun nak kerja lagi, orang muda apetah lagi. ye tak?
sumber sini
Ahad, 23 Oktober 2011
How I ruined my interview - part 3
Session : Problem Solving
Place : Room 5
Time : 3.00pm - 5.00pm
After we finished the Pengucapan Awam Session, we had to wait for 15 minutes before we go to the next session. Actually, we have to wait for the earlier group to finish their part.
So, as we enter the room, there already 2 panels sit in fronts with a moderator who will facilitate the session. Those guys who is the facilitator already give us a direction how to do this session. There no right or wrong answers. The things that we need is how creative our thinkings and there must be a strong reasons behind our perception. Perghh..that time i feel a little bit challenging as the way we thinking on how to solve the matter will be the crucial time and i think we should think differently in a logic ways (or as rasional as i can).
For the first session, we need to design an aeroplane that can fly as far as it can go. (Haha, this task i think familiar with everyone. As the result based on group decision, we discuss the design even we know the result already.Haha, this how we try to impress the panels by doing a group discussion before we going to decide the design that represent our group.
Finally, everybody in our group make a shape of sphere (almost) just like the u.f.o (unidentified flying object) as that the ways the 'aeroplane' can go farther. Me is exceptional. Even i`m agree with group decision earlier, i try not solely follow the instruction. Perhaps, there a trick that lies within the instruction that will trap us back at the end. So, i decide to do a design that look alike a plane. So, at the end our group has diverse design of plane. Haha. after we were given 10minutes to discuss and design. The facilitator told us to fly our own plane. haha. Nah, my plane were the worst one as it only 'fly' just about 1.5 metre compared to others. Ok, the sphere airplane were the farthest plane during that task. Its ok as the result were based on group and not individuals.
Then, we were given the task about the moves of stick. If you remember the matches`s stick movement trick, you will survive this task easily. Thank to God, as many of us contribute the ideas to get the result. At this moment, it very important for you to take part, SHOW your contribution during the discussion. In my group, there such like an agreement as everyone tolerated by giving everyone to speak out and telling the ideas. So, everbody will get the points by the panels. Either high or low the marks given depends on how creative and structured the ideas that you give. Haha. Ok, that my own perceptions on how the panels judged us. For this stick-move task, you will be given a few trick that you have to solve. So, be prepared.
Lastly,the task that require us to make a tower that hold the Malaysian flag- Jalur Gemilang. we were given a few stick, a rope and the flag. There one condition that we have to follow:- we cannot touch the stick to make it stand with flag on it. Okeh, for this task we failed to think differently as we take this task in conventional ways. For the time given, we devide into 2 group that make the tower`bases or platform and another group try to tied the flag to the stick. Okeh, 20 minutes to make the bases and tower, 5 minutes to try it, and another 5 minutes to present it to the judges and facilitator. Walaaaaa! we make it! the tower stand for 5 minutes, the judges satisfies, the fasilitator smiled, we also smile in full satisfaction, from ear to ear. Hihihi..
Okeh, we fullfill the requirement but the facilitator tell us the other method that we can use. Nahh, we just stared deeply into him, questioned him back, tell him that the method he just proposed actually break the condition that he actually stated earlier. Haha. you trapped! He just smile and pretend that there no wrong answer in stead of different ideas. Nah, the session going smoothly and here, we already know. we had a chemistry in our group. Hehe. now we know we strong in group, comforting each others, supporting everyone and we dare for challenges!
Next: orang putih-to-be session. Public Speaking Session!! walaweh...
Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011
Aksi Nicol David di Qatar Classic 2011
Catatan (Atom)